Gaurav Singh


Bachelors, Computer Science & Engg.; JNTU-A, India

01.07.08 to 01.04.12 / 4 years

During my four-year undergraduate program in Computer Science and Engineering, I acquired a combination of foundational knowledge and specialized skills, starting with basic sciences and programming and gradually progressing to complex concepts in computer science and emerging technologies. This education was enhanced by hands-on experience through intensive projects.

Minor project. For my minor project, I developed an efficient face detection system using the Harr cascade mechanism and the Adaboost algorithm, focusing on challenges like low light and partial obstructions. This project demonstrated both the potential of learning-based face detection systems and also emphasized the importance of understanding the nuances between face detection and face recognition, and addressing potential biases in these systems. Through the project, I also looked at potential ethical concerns, albeit at a very broader level.

Thesis. In my major project, or thesis, my team and I implemented a method for real-time tracking of multiple coded markers, to address limitations in existing single object tracking methods. This method, combining object detection and tracking techniques, proved comparatively robust and accurate in challenging conditions and enabled the integration of 2D/3D virtual objects onto video sequences. This project showcased the practicality and versatility of the developed method for real-world applications.

Y Courses studied
1 English, Mathematics-1, Mathematical methods, Applied physics, C Programming and data structures, Basic electrical engineering, Electronic devices and circuits, Engineering drawing, Computer programming lab, Electrical & Electronics lab, English language communication skills lab, IT workshop
2.1 Probability & Statistics, Mathematical foundation of computer science, Advanced data structures, Digital logic design, Managerial economics and financial analysis, Unix and Shell programming, Advanced data structures lab, Unix and Shell programming lab
2.2 Environmental studies, Software engineering, Principles of Programming languages, Computer organization, Database management systems, Object oriented programming, Object oriented programming lab, Database management systems lab
3.1 Formal languages and Automata theory, Software testing methodologies, Computer graphics, Microprocessors and interfacing, Data communication systems, Design and analysis of algorithms, Advanced English communication skills lab, Microprocessors and interfacing lab
3.2 Operating systems, Compiler design, Computer networks, Information security, AI and neural networks, Object oriented analysis and design, Computer networks and case tools lab, Operating systems and Compiler design lab
4.1 Web technologies, Multimedia and application development, Data warehousing and data mining
4.2 E-commerce, Human-computer interaction, Management science, Industrial oriented minor project, Comprehensive viva, Seminar, Project work (Thesis)