Gaurav Singh

Yearly note

Yearly note 2014: Competing interests


S.labs at N2 campus, Srishti

In 2014, I met a variety of experiences that shaped my perspective and understanding of my educational journey. These experiences included completing an additional astrophysics course, working on a situated memory project, and exploring the expectations and limitations of the program at Srishti. Looking back, I realized that while Srishti offered numerous opportunities for exploration, it also presented challenges in engaging deeply with specific subjects due to the schedule I can afford as a student at Srishti and multiple competing interests of self. This made me question my decision to pursue a broad range of subjects at Srishti instead of focusing on a narrower range of topics. Despite this, I appreciated the valuable experiences I gained, such as working on the situated memory project, which helped me develop practical skills and an understanding of senior citizens.

To make the most of my academic experience, I found it necessary to balance practical application and in-depth understanding. I hoped for more like-minded peers with similar goals and aspirations. This insight emphasized combining my interests with the program's expectations to maximize my learning potential. As the year unfolded, I struggled to apply the lessons from previous experiences to better my standing. This highlighted the importance of continuous reflection and adapting to new challenges.

During this time, I was able to work on Mathscapes, a space I'm imagining for long-term. In the future, I hope to bridge the gap between the expectations of my academic program and my personal goals by seeking ways to deepen my understanding of subjects that interest me. I will also continue to work on collaborative projects, like the situated memory project, allowing me to apply my knowledge practically and meaningfully.

Although 2014 was not the most successful year in personal growth, it provided valuable insights into the importance of having clear goals and continuous reflection. By learning from various experiences, I discovered my learning preferences, faced challenges within my academic program, and recognized the importance of collaboration. As I carry these lessons into the future, I look forward to pursuing a deeper understanding and meaningful connections with my peers while maintaining a balance between breadth and depth in my educational journey.

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