Gaurav Singh

2023 — Moved to Gold Coast

Year in Review

2023 — Moved to Gold Coast


2023 has seen the most vivid strokes of challenge and change, each decision I took has painted a critical part of my life’s trajectory. My journey through this year began with a key decision and an unexpected setback, both shaping my path in unseen ways. In September 2022, I made the difficult choice to resign from my faculty position at Srishti-Manipal Institute. This decision, stemming from prolonged issues with work assessment and compensation, was more than a career move; I had to take this before figuring out my next step. The process was tinged with a blend of disappointment and optimism, the latter fueled by Dr. Venkat's encouragement to name one of the key ones. His words inspired a newfound determination to pursue a PhD. I realised I have not collected transcripts from my post-graduation of ten years ago. The task of collecting my ADP transcripts from 2013-15 was my first encounter with the administrative complexities of academia. This endeavor, though with obstacles, had the support of my mentors. Their guidance was critical in guiding me through.

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Tensor Calculus

Tensor notations


Tensor calculus is a branch of mathematics that extends the well-established principles of linear algebra in higher dimensions. In its essence, tensor calculus deals with tensors, which are mathematical objects that generalize the concepts of scalars and vectors to higher dimensions. Scalars are rank-0 tensors, representing simple quantitiesthat are described by a single number, such as temperature or mass. Tensors, on the other hand, can be thought of as multi-dimensional arrays, where each element is identified by a set of indices and can encapsulate more complex data structures and relationships.

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Rendering Hypercube

Math vis

Rendering Hypercube


The hypercube, or more commonly known as the tesseract, is a geometric marvel that exists in four-dimensional space. If you've ever been entranced by the tesseract scene in the movie "Interstellar", you've already had a cinematic glimpse of this concept. But how do we visualize a 4D object in our 3D world and then render it on a 2D screen?

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Health Communication

Understanding the RAMS model


Earlier this year in May 2023, I had a chance to speak Dr. Santosh Vijayakumar, who is health and risk communication scientist, and currently a associate professor in department of Psychology at Nortumbria University, Newcastle (UK). A series of exchanges led me to discover one of his works where he and his colleagues explore the role of social media in shaping public risk perceptions during infectious disease outbreaks. Drawing from previous frameworks and using the 2009 H1N1 pandemic as a case study, they introduce the Risk Amplification through Media Spread (RAMS) model. This model highlights the interconnected nature of social media in amplifying risk perceptions and offers communication strategies for outbreak scenarios. The study underscores the importance of further research on the RAMS model, which also piqued my interest.

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Alien Worlds

Generative art x SDXL

Alien Worlds


In 'Alien Worlds,' I've used Stable Diffusion XL to envision the life forms of ancient Mars. While these depictions spring from pure imagination rather than scientific facts, they capture the essence of what might have been in a universe as vast and varied as ours. As you delve into these explorations, ponder this: In an age where AI breathes life into our visions, how do we navigate between the known realms of science and the boundless horizons of imagination?

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Cite this webpage as: Gaurav Singh. Journal. The Personal Website of Gaurav Singh. Last modified 2023-10-29.

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