Gaurav Singh

2022 — Leaving Srishti

Year in Review

2022 — Leaving Srishti


Reflecting on 2022, I experienced a significant transformation in my teaching career. As my expectations and requirements became more apparent, I was presented with the fantastic opportunity to establish my informal cohort as a dedicated lab space called the Experimental Maths Lab. This development renewed my hope for my future at Srishti and marked a complete departure from traditional classroom-based teaching. The lab allowed me to operate autonomously, creating an alternative learning space for students within the context of a design school. Although the turnout was initially low, the lab gradually attracted students, some of whom found relevance in the space and became consistent participants.

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Together with Touch — A collaboration with Lena Heubeush, Avril Stormy Unger, Nikhil Nagaraj and Walkin Studios

Generative music

Together with Touch — A collaboration with Lena Heubeush, Avril Stormy Unger, Nikhil Nagaraj and Walkin Studios


Together With Touch is a live performance that took place in a public space in Dec 2021. Underlying theme of Mental Health is explored through the mediums of contemporary dance and live data that drives the music.

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2021 — Lockdown

Year in Review

2021 — Lockdown


Looking back at 2021, it felt like a very slow year due to the ongoing pandemic. Despite this, I offered two courses that gave students unique learning opportunities. The Explain with GIFs project allowed students to explore using GIFs to simplify complex algorithms and make information more accessible to a broader audience. In contrast, the Sketch, Crit, and Remix workshop encouraged participants to take a step back from their individual inquiries and think about how to carry out inquiries related to digital and technology. I also noted that I had more time to structure and plan for Mathscapes, which was a positive outcome.

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Mathscapes Identity 2021


Mathscapes Identity 2021


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2020 — Pandemic

Year in Review

2020 — Pandemic


Reflecting on my journey in 2020, I set out to push my boundaries as an educator and challenge the traditional classroom paradigm. My growing interest in unstructured, informal teaching methods stemmed from the insights and breakthroughs I gained in the previous years. The desire to explore alternative educational approaches was fueled by my increasing familiarity with more learning theories supporting student-centered learning experiences. The opportunity to facilitate the Deconstructing Algorithms thesis project was exciting and challenging. It allowed me to explore the intersection of philosophy and algorithmic design while questioning established processes. The COVID-19 pandemic, however, abruptly halted my plans, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment for the students who could not fully explore their capabilities.

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Cite this webpage as: Gaurav Singh. Journal. The Personal Website of Gaurav Singh. Last modified 2023-10-29.

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