Gaurav Singh

2017 — Back to Srishti

Year in Review

2017 — Back to Srishti


The year 2017 marked a new chapter in my professional journey, as I received an invitation from Srishti to join the human-centered design (HCD) department as a full-time faculty member. Interestingly, this department had evolved from the same space where I had completed my graduation. I was happy to join this workspace with interesting people and eagerly accepted the role, primarily due to the opportunity to participate in Dr.Naveen's ReRide project. Switching roles and adjusting to full-time teaching responsibilities at Srishti presented some challenges. Initially, I was assigned to teach classes outside my primary interests and familiarity. However, due to certain cancellations and reassignments, I eventually got to teach two interaction design units, one for master's students and another for undergraduates.

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Interact 2017 — ReRide demo and more


Interact 2017 — ReRide demo and more


Beginning to write this as we complete the first day of ReRide demonstration at Interact 2017 Conference in IIT Bombay. The last week till afternoon today have been quite intense for us but also has been quite fruitful. It was very gratifying to finally see the synergy of the team to complete the demo despite few challenges we faced. The demo intended to develop a working proof of concept to demonstrate the intent, which we think has met, though the time crunch has affected us and we could not do the pilot test in a real setting. Nevertheless, we were ready for the Demo. The entire exercise just echoed what I already believe. There is a lot of value in making physical and working concepts (esp. for designers), more often you’ll find that you’re rethinking most of your design decisions made when drafting ideas. What you see is “not” what you get!

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Working on ReRide demo for Interact 2017


Working on ReRide demo for Interact 2017


The following story is a glimpse into our ongoing research through designing a platform to explore, design, and in-situ test ideas for interactions with personal data around motorcycle riding. What if information about a rider’s condition such as body posture, lean angles, and heartrate, were made available as part of the ride experience? A glimpse into our ongoing research into designing a platform to explore, design, and in-situ test ideas for interactions with personal data around motorcycle riding. In collaboration with the Digital Design Department at the IT University of Copenhagen.

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Switching roles at Srishti


The first cycle of the odd semester at Srishti presented me with unexpected challenges. I was assigned to teach classes that were not in line with my interests, which left me feeling disappointed and uncomfortable. While I appreciate the idea behind exposing newcomers to various subjects to better prepare them, I was uncertain if it would benefit me as I have a specific area of interest that I am focused on, and any deviation from it could derail my roadmap. Initially, I was assigned to teach two units in the first cycle: one in Interaction Design for Master's students and another outside of my area of expertise. However, due to a lack of sign-ups, the latter was canceled, and I was reassigned to another unit in Interaction Design for undergraduates.

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About M56 team

2017-09-02 / with Triangle

M56 is design collective started by three friends — Prakhar, Swati, and Gaurav (me) at Bangalore in 2015. We met during our post-graduate studies at the Srishti School of Art, Design & Technology in 2013. Though they had distinct personalities and objectives, their thoughts often synchronized. Over the two years in Srishti, our bond grew stronger, and we came across the idea of building a collective. This way, M56 was started.

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Cite this webpage as: Gaurav Singh. Journal. The Personal Website of Gaurav Singh. Last modified 2023-10-29.

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