Gaurav Singh

TCO17 India regionals, Bangalore


TCO17 India regionals, Bangalore


Topcoder has arrived in the city for their India Regional event and their inaugural design workshop in India. It is with great pleasure that I inform you that Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology had the honor of hosting Topcoder's first-ever design workshop in India. The workshop was open to all Srishti students pursuing the Human-Centered Design discipline. The participants were surprised by the two Rapid UX challenges announced by Adam Morehead, Creative Head of Topcoder, as they had not been provided much detail about Topcoder or the workshop beforehand. The time constraints of RUX and their limited experience in designing interfaces left the students feeling challenged. However, Adam and Harshit Mehta (Topcoder Evangelist) did a remarkable job of engaging with the students and clearly discussing the future of design. During his presentation, Adam introduced cognitive design and its significance for designers. The RUX winners were rewarded with cash prizes, which certainly made them happier and demonstrated Topcoder's appreciation for their participation.

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Starting M56 collective


Starting M56 collective


In 2013, during the first semester of our post-graduation in Innovation and Experience Design at Srishti School of Art, Design & Technology, Prakhar, Swati, and I (Gaurav) worked on our first project together. We completed a working concept in just a few days, which we were proud of. What went unnoticed initially laid the idea for the future; the team and collaboration were the stepping stones later on. We spent two years together at Srishti, exploring what it means to design and having long, meaningful discussions. Despite having different undergraduate disciplines, our energies synced, and we became a collective. Fast forward to March 2015, when we were close to completing our post-graduation. We discussed each other's ideas, and one of us contemplated doing a job. In contrast, the others were unhappy with Interaction and Experience Design; for that matter, "design" itself was being treated, especially in the country. It was a great opportunity that could be tapped.

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My thoughts on teachings


Reflecting on my teaching journey as I finish the first cycle since joining Srishti, I realize that speaking about it is more straightforward than putting it into practice. I have encountered several challenges while adapting to teaching design and technical subjects in academic and non-academic settings. Using Kolb's experiential learning cycle has been a helpful tool in introspecting my teaching experiences and identifying areas for growth. In this reflective note, I will summarize what I have learned and the challenges I continue to face as a teacher.

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2016 — In transit

Year in Review

2016 — In transit


The year 2016 was a transformative period, with experiences that impacted my professional and personal growth. My journey commenced with an invitation from Abhiyan Humane to collaborate with Art in Transit. This opportunity allowed me to hone various skills, such as pitching ideas to potential collaborators, supporting artists and students in developing creative technological installations, and handling various administrative tasks. I discovered growing interest in teaching and mentoring as I collaborated with students.

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Introducing Mathscapes Research


From the early 2000s, I developed a curiosity for computers, which gradually developed into an interest in mathematics and computer science by 2000. Over time, this interest grew, leading me to contemplate the idea of starting a small research group while still in school in 2006. In 2008, I identified my interest in prime numbers and their potential use in information compression. I began experimenting with algorithms that employed prime numbers for information compression. Although theoretically valid, I soon realized that these algorithms were impractical for real-world use. This realization allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the complex nature of algorithm design and the importance of considering practical implications alongside theoretical possibilities. It also prompted me to start imagining Mathscapes in the same year, with the goal of facilitating and sharing ideas in mathematics while exploring its connections with natural science, humans, and computing. I wish to keep Mathscapes in stealth as much as possible and only bring it to more people very slowly over the years. My aim is to develop open-source tools and resources to make math more approachable and engaging for everyone, while remaining mindful of the potential impact of my research on society as a whole. At Mathscapes, I work and aspire to work further on algorithms, taking into account not only their efficiency but also their complexity and impact on humans and nature. I remain constantly mindful of the consequences of advancing technology for society.

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Cite this webpage as: Gaurav Singh. Journal. The Personal Website of Gaurav Singh. Last modified 2023-10-29.

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