Gaurav Singh

Year in Review

2010 — Book swapping


Looking back on 2010, it feels like another year of growth. Moving from my second to third year in engineering was a step up. It was like moving from a calm walk to a fast run. The subjects were tougher, there were more projects, and it felt like deadlines were always around the corner. Every morning, when my alarm rang, it was a reminder of the busy day ahead. Some classes were really fun and got me thinking, like solving interesting puzzles. But others were a bit hard and needed a lot of work. After classes, I loved working on my own projects. It was amazing to see my code turn into real apps that worked.

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Year in Review

2009 — Maxwell escape


2009 was a postive year; it felt like a turning point in my journey. As I transitioned from my first to the second year in engineering school, I realized the depth of the challenges that lay ahead. Those early days were a whirlwind - classes seemed endless, work piled up, and exams tested limits. But amidst the chaos, there was growth. I owe a lot of that growth to my friends who were around. One event I'll always remember was the final practical exam in electrical engineering. Walking into that room, I was really nervous. I hadn't attended many practical classes and was scared to take this exam. Luckily, I got an experiment I was good at. Completing it successfully was a big relief.

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