Gaurav Singh

Year in Review

2023 — Moved to Gold Coast


The Spit, Gold Coast, Australia

2023 has seen the most vivid strokes of challenge and change, each decision I took has painted a critical part of my life’s trajectory. My journey through this year began with a key decision and an unexpected setback, both shaping my path in unseen ways. In September 2022, I made the difficult choice to resign from my faculty position at Srishti-Manipal Institute. This decision, stemming from prolonged issues with work assessment and compensation, was more than a career move; I had to take this before figuring out my next step. The process was tinged with a blend of disappointment and optimism, the latter fueled by Dr. Venkat's encouragement to name one of the key ones. His words inspired a newfound determination to pursue a PhD. I realised I have not collected transcripts from my post-graduation of ten years ago. The task of collecting my ADP transcripts from 2013-15 was my first encounter with the administrative complexities of academia. This endeavor, though with obstacles, had the support of my mentors. Their guidance was critical in guiding me through.

As I navigated these early challenges, I faced a significant setback. My application for a PhD program was rejected due to the non-recognition of Srishti's ADP program. Despite its equivalence to a master's degree and the inclusion of a thesis, the absence of a GPA-based system proved to be a formidable barrier. This rejection, though somewhat anticipated, was a bitter pill to swallow. It underscored the rigidities of academic structures and the uphill battle faced by those with unconventional educational paths. November 2022 brought a personal crisis that would deeply impact my journey. Simba's accident was a stark reminder of life's fragility and unpredictability. His care and recovery became focus of my family, overshadowing my academic aspirations. This period was not just marked by the responsibilities of caregiving but also by introspection. I found myself grappling with despair, the weight of unfulfilled academic dreams pressing.

2023 saw a resurgence of my resolve. I channeled me into producing high-quality, publishable research. This goal, though challenging, was a necessary step in strengthening my academic profile. Balancing intensive research with Simba's ongoing care, I also contemplated supplementing my depleting savings with remote work, but just couldn't figure out. My interactions with professors around the globe were enlightening. These conversations not only provided valuable insights but also highlighted the importance of a symbiotic supervisor-student relationship. Yet, my diverse background, particularly my post-graduation in design, continued to be an obstacle in solidifying PhD opportunities. This phase of my journey was a revelation, teaching me the importance of finding a supervisor who appreciated my unique academic journey.

As the year progressed, I arrived at a pivotal decision: pursuing a Masters in Australia. This choice, influenced by both academic and personal considerations, was a key step towards expanding my opportunities. The financial challenges, particularly the unsuccessful attempts at securing educational loans, were significant hurdles. Nonetheless, with the support of my family, I managed to arrange the necessary funds for my visa application. The move to Australia marked the beginning of a new chapter. The initial months that I have had so far at Griffith University were filled with a whirlwind of activities – orientations, coursework, and the establishment of new social and professional networks. Immersing myself in the IT and Data Analytics program, I began to explore potential research areas, keenly aware of the opportunities and challenges that lay ahead.

By the end of the year, my engagement with academic life had deepened significantly. Balancing coursework with research interests, I began formulating ideas for potential topics for my research thesis. Consulting with faculty for guidance, I initiated the drafting process for my research dissertation proposal. This period was characterized by significant academic growth, laying a strong foundation for future endeavors. Reflecting on 2023, I see a year that was as challenging as it was enriching. Resilience was not just a choice, and adaptability became second nature. The journey was replete with setbacks and breakthroughs, each shaping me into a more determined, adaptable, and focused individual. As I look toward the future, armed with the lessons of this transformative year, I think I am more ready to embrace the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead, with the experiences that have shaped me.

Cite this webpage as: Gaurav Singh. 2023 — Moved to Gold Coast. The Personal Website of Gaurav Singh. Last modified 2023-12-18.

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