Gaurav Singh

Dr.Naveen Bagalkot

Design researcher, Educator and Facilitator

Naveen is a design researcher, educator, and facilitator broadly working at the intersections of Human-Computer Interaction design (HCI), participatory design and community-based care. He is trained as an architect, industrial designer, and holds a PhD in Interaction Design from the IT University of Copenhagen. His work explores alternative possibilities for localized and participatory design of digital-physical-social infrastructures for community care and wellbeing.

As a part of the DesignBeku collective, he focuses on facilitating collaborative design and critical making for and with grass-roots community organizations such as MAYA Health, IT for Change, and Jatan Sansthan. As an educator at Srishti Institute of Art, Design & Technology, Bangalore, he works towards creating an environment of learning that expands the horizon of emerging design practice through a critical and situated engagement with technological ideas and real-world complexities. Naveen has designed and managed (along with others) four postgraduate and two undergraduate degree programs, which lie at the intersection of design, humanities and technology.


Cite this webpage as: Gaurav Singh. Dr.Naveen Bagalkot. The Personal Website of Gaurav Singh. Last modified 2023-11-06.

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