Gaurav Singh

Srishti Citizen Space Agency


Srishti Citizen Space Agency

2013-11-13 / with SCSA team

During the one-month interim semester at Srishti, various artists and design practitioners are invited to run experiments or projects that students can sign up for. As someone with a fascination for space, I was excited to participate in the Srishti Citizens Space Agency project led by Joanna Griffin, an artist researcher with a wealth of experience in the field. She has worked on commissions for art/science agency The Arts Catalyst in the UK, created a major astronomy festival in Bangalore called Kalpaneya Yatre: Journey of Imaginations, and has published in Leonardo and Cultural Politics journals. Despite not knowing what to expect from the project, I was happy to have the opportunity to work alongside such a talented and experienced artist researcher. We were all clueless about what was going to happen in the project, and Joanna wasn't ready to reveal much either. However, I was eager to contribute to the team and help create something remarkable out of this project as it unfolds.

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Informal Economy

Future of Work — Imagining work experiences for the informal economy

2013-09-12 / with Sarvashree Jain

The goal of this project, conducted by a team of four students as part of the ADP program at Srishti, was to redefine work experiences for unorganized workers using emerging sensor technologies. The team was divided into two groups, one focusing on enhancing professional growth with assisted tools and technologies, and the other on the social well-being of informal workers.

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Interactive multimarker tracking and AR in low light or partially obstruction

Computer vision

Interactive multimarker tracking and AR in low light or partially obstruction


The primary aim of this project was to develop a method capable of tracking multiple coded markers simultaneously, robustly, and accurately in real-time, particularly in challenging conditions such as low light or partially obstructed images. Existing single object tracking methods faced limitations in scaling with the number of objects, necessitating a more efficient approach to handle multiple markers. Additionally, the project sought to compute the locations and orientations of these markers to embed 2D/3D virtual objects onto the video sequence and enable interaction with the markers/virtual objects in the physical setting.

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Harr-cascade based detection

Computer vision

Harr-cascade based detection


The primary aim of this 2011 study was to develop an efficient face detection system capable of accurately detecting faces in challenging conditions, such as low light, partial obstructions, and varying facial expressions. The study employed the Harr cascade mechanism [1, 2] and Adaboost algorithm [3, 4] for their robustness in face detection under complex conditions.

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Cite this webpage as: Gaurav Singh. Projects. The Personal Website of Gaurav Singh. Last modified 2023-10-29.

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