Gaurav Singh


Drawing fractals with code


This workshop taught learners how to draw fractals using code, focusing on dimensionality, self-similarity, and iterated function systems. Participants were expected to have basic programming knowledge and experience. The workshop covered topics such as Hausdorff dimension, spatial homogeneity, iterated function systems, and Mandelbrot and Julia sets. It was designed for those interested in mathematical visualization, creative coding, generative art, and patterns in nature.


Design and Futures


This workshop aimed to explore the intersection of design and futures through speculative and critical design practices. Participants were encouraged to reflect on the historical evolution of design as an agent of change and its role in producing social, economic, and ecological inequities. The workshop also examined how design can reconcile with rapidly evolving technology and complex challenges to remain relevant. Through conversations with digital, physical, and social materials, participants explored multiple paths of inquiry in the emerging complex contexts of technology and change. The workshop introduced critical technical practices and focused on innovation and change in the context of history and futures.

Tangible Computing


Tangible Computing

2019 / Alongwith students

This advanced-level course focused on programming and working with IoT-based ideas, sensors, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi. Students were encouraged to identify unique problems and develop their own ideas to solve them. The course also emphasized the use of tangible artifacts to demonstrate proof-of-concepts, providing hands-on experience and practical skills.

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Interaction design for screens


This course focused on the design and development of screen-based interfaces, including websites and applications. Students learned the principles of user-centered design, wireframing, prototyping, and usability testing. The course emphasized the importance of creating engaging and intuitive interfaces that meet the needs of users.

Making with Algorithms


Making with Algorithms

2019 / Alongwith students

Recent technological developments in neural networks, computer vision and blockchains are radically transforming the digital landscape around us. Through this course, we explored the modern role of designer working with such technologies through the idea of algorithmic-driven design; and use algorithms as a material to design with.

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Cite this webpage as: Gaurav Singh. Teaching. The Personal Website of Gaurav Singh. Last modified 2023-10-29.

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