Gaurav Singh


Programming as design tool for prototyping


This was a repitition of a course earlier provided in 2017.


Algorithms, computation and HCI


This was a repitition of a course earlier provided in 2017.


Visual Thinking Tools

2018 / Alongwith students

The workshop aimed to introduce first-year visual communication design students to introductory concepts that emphasize visual modes of thinking. The students were taught to develop multiple anamorphic artwork without pre-planning on paper, but by navigating help from their peers. In the latter half of the workshop, the students learned about Rube Goldberg machines and were encouraged to develop complex machines towards silly use cases through trial and error. The workshop provided the students with an opportunity to explore and enhance their visual thinking abilities, which can be useful in their future design projects.


Learning expedition to Shimoga

2018 / Alongwith students

In 2018, a group of foundation year design students were taken to the city of Shimoga in Karnataka, India. Their goal was to explore different aspects of field research and community engagement. Along the way, they met fascinating people and visited unique places, like the Sanskrit-only school in Mattur and the cultural institution, Ninasam. They also enjoyed a trek, visited temples, and met majestic elephants at the Sakrebailu camp. Through these experiences, the students gained a deeper understanding of community engagement in the design process. The Shimoga learning expedition was a memorable adventure that fueled their creativity and interest for design.


Interaction design — beyond screens

2018 / Alongwith students

This course focused on pushing the boundaries of traditional interaction design beyond screen-based interfaces. Students were challenged to develop innovative solutions for complex problems, utilizing a variety of design methods and tools. The course emphasized the importance of user-centered design and encouraged students to create engaging and immersive experiences that go beyond the limitations of screens.

Cite this webpage as: Gaurav Singh. Teaching. The Personal Website of Gaurav Singh. Last modified 2023-10-29.

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