Gaurav Singh


Future of interaction design

2018 / Alongwith students

In this course, students explored the future of interaction design beyond the current screen-based paradigm. The course challenged students to think critically about emerging technologies and their impact on design. Students were encouraged to develop creative solutions for complex problems using a range of design methods and tools.


User experience design 2

2017 / Alongwith students

The User Experience Design course provided an introductory course for students to explore various aspects of user experience. Through identifying existing and upcoming products and technologies, students were able to analyze consciously designed aspects of user experience and speculate on their future. They utilized Wizard of Oz and other techniques to create prototypes and gauge feedback from their peers, ultimately gaining a deeper understanding of the key elements of user experience design.


Physical computing

2017 / Alongwith students

This workshop provided an opportunity to develop physical artifacts enhanced by on-board computing using Arduino Uno boards. Students built small experiments that led them to explore complex ideas such as line-following and autonomous robots, gaining hands-on experience in working with a range of sensors and actuators.


Programming as design tool for prototyping

2017 / Alongwith students

Programming is most often assumed to be only relevant for software engineers. We look at programming as a design tool, just like a pencil that allows one to interact with digital technologies. This unit introduces this idea of programming as a design tool and how one can get started to play with programming to build prototypes to communicate your design ideas. This unit covers the fundamentals of computer programming.


Math for programming

2017 / Alongwith students

This course covered the basics of discrete mathematics and probability essential for programming. Topics included sets, logic, functions, relations, graph theory, probability distributions, and statistical inference. Through exercises, and problem-solving, students gained practical experience in applying these concepts to programming.

Cite this webpage as: Gaurav Singh. Teaching. The Personal Website of Gaurav Singh. Last modified 2023-10-29.

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