Gaurav Singh


Interaction design 2

2017 / Alongwith students

The course was designed for students who had a basic understanding of Interaction design and Human-computer interaction. The course aimed to challenge the students to think critically about the future of computing and technology and how to approach designing for it. Throughout the course, students were constantly presented with thought-provoking questions to encourage thinking beyond conventional methods. The course was structured to enable the students to develop their design skills and knowledge in a collaborative and supportive environment.


Interaction design — beyond screens

2017 / Alongwith students

This course focused on pushing the boundaries of traditional interaction design beyond screen-based interfaces. Students were challenged to develop innovative solutions for complex problems, utilizing a variety of design methods and tools. The course emphasized the importance of user-centered design and encouraged students to create engaging and immersive experiences that go beyond the limitations of screens.


Digital making


The workshop aimed to introduce first-year design students to Object Oriented Design and how to apply it to develop new interactions and interfaces. Through the workshop, students learned key principles and concepts from this paradigm, which they also used to break down popular products to understand how they might have worked. They also gained experience in using Processing IDE + Processing Android to build tangible prototypes.


Algorithms, computation, and HCI


This studio explored the intersection of algorithms, computation, and human-computer interaction (HCI) and focused on the theory behind the resources required for various systems, specifically algorithms. Participants learned how to study the efficiency of problem-solving using algorithms and examined the fundamental capabilities and limitations of computers. The workshop provided a space for exploring the relationships between algorithms, computation, and HCI and how they can be used to create efficient and effective designs.


Advanced programming and prototyping


“A programming language is for thinking of programs, not only for expressing programs you've already thought of. It should be a pencil, not pen.” (Paul Graham) Through this unit, we look at advance aspects like Subversion control, APIs, Libraries, Object Oriented Programming, etc. This unit focussed on building complex behind the screen architectures to design with and design for emerging technologies.

Cite this webpage as: Gaurav Singh. Teaching. The Personal Website of Gaurav Singh. Last modified 2023-10-29.

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