Gaurav Singh

Digital Making workshop for foundation students

Digital Making workshop for foundation students

Students setting up the room for their exhibition on the final day of 10 day workshop (28 Aug - 8 Sep 2017) at Srishti N3 Campus - Room 307

At Srishti, we have two studio cycles of 5 weeks in each semester. And a two-week slot of the workshop in between the cycles. The students of this workshop have just started their journey in Srishti and spent only about one month doing few classes on generic skills. They had little to no information or related course work from the discipline they had signed up. This workshop is supposed to be their first interface to introduce them to this domain and set the right expectations which will help them get a clearer idea of HCD.

> Object Oriented Analysis & Design (OOAD) is a design paradigm — is the process of planning a system of interacting objects generally to solve a (software) problem.

It started with whether students with little to no understanding of imperative paradigm or programming itself learn this. OOAD could help decompose complex real-world cases into simpler models to work with them and implement them through code and design.

Vanshika explaining her group's project

Through this workshop, students were introduced to this paradigm and its significance for HCD/IXD. This approach can be useful not just for designing software but also beyond that. Along with OOD, they were also exposed to Processing programming language as a medium to sketch interactions.

Vanshika explaining her project to Keshav; A set of illustrations by one of the groups to capture conceptual model of their project; One of the groups presenting their project to Riyaz Shaikh

Students visually mapped their learning experience in this 10-day workshop.

Students demonstrating their understanding of Amazon Kindle through a conceptual model.

The exhibition remained full and lively throughout the day; One of the student explaining their work to the faculty; Students visually mapped their learning experience in this 10-day workshop.

Students showing their prototype to Riyaz

Jaidev showing his group's demo

Oorja and Janaki demonstrating their prototype of a wrist band by using a mobile phone screen

The assignments that were given to the students’ involved tasks to understand the underlying complexity through OOAD artifacts and then rethinking interactions through video and Processing.

Thanks to all the students for being amazing throughout the workshop. Akshata, Atharva, Disha, Jaidev, Janaki, Keshav, Kineri, Maithili, Oorja, Pahel, Ramya, Ridhima, Shriya, Sneha, Vanshika, Yamini.

Cite this webpage as: Gaurav Singh. Digital Making workshop for foundation students. The Personal Website of Gaurav Singh. Last modified 2017-09-25.

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