Gaurav Singh

2015 — Contrasts and growth

Year in Review

2015 — Contrasts and growth


In 2015, during the final year of my postgraduate studies at Srishti, I engaged with the thesis work. This two-fold project involved an investigation of Chintalayyagarepalle, a remote off-grid village, and exploring piezoelectric materials, specifically Rochelle salt. The project allowed me to comprehend the challenges communities face in off-grid situations and learn about the potential of sustainable energy solutions. However, as I navigated through this undertaking, I found mixed feelings regarding my overall experiences throughout the program. Throughout the year, I sensed the positive and negative aspects of my academic journey. Disappointment and frustration arose from the insufficient representation of our work at the grad show, while the program's lateral exploration left me longing for a deeper understanding of specific subjects. Nevertheless, I acknowledged the importance of continuous reflection, adaptation to new situations, and pursuing growth in areas that piqued my interest.

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2014 — Competing interests

Year in Review

2014 — Competing interests


In 2014, I met a variety of experiences that shaped my perspective and understanding of my educational journey. These experiences included completing an additional astrophysics course, working on a situated memory project, and exploring the expectations and limitations of the program at Srishti. Looking back, I realized that while Srishti offered numerous opportunities for exploration, it also presented challenges in engaging deeply with specific subjects due to the schedule I can afford as a student at Srishti and multiple competing interests of self. This made me question my decision to pursue a broad range of subjects at Srishti instead of focusing on a narrower range of topics. Despite this, I appreciated the valuable experiences I gained, such as working on the situated memory project, which helped me develop practical skills and an understanding of senior citizens.

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Masterclass: Mapping our lives by Tahireh Lal


Masterclass: Mapping our lives by Tahireh Lal


Tahireh Lal is an accomplished Indian artist whose reflexive practice explores the dynamic interplay between movement and stasis. Her work draws on local contexts and materials to investigate the complex themes of time and home, finding expression in various mediums such as video, installation, and sculpture. In her masterclass on Mapping our lives, Tahireh challenged participants to create a work connected to their own lives using a set of given materials.

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2013 — First year at Srishti

Year in Review

2013 — First year at Srishti


2013 was a year of new experiences. From attending the first design workshop in Bangalore to my eventual enrollment at Srishti, the year brought new experiences. I was eager to join a design school after dropping a year to prepare for it, and I imagined an open-ended program, giving me the responsibility to make decisions about my projects and courses. The reality was a bit different, as mandatory core courses blocked my time and left me busy for other projects.

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Stuart Hall's Representation


Recently, I attended a masterclass at Srishti on reflective practice, where I better understood its significance in personal and professional growth. I learned that reflective practice involves critically analyzing one's work and measuring change over time. It is a tool that empowers practitioners to learn from their mistakes, discover their reactions and actions, and identify their strengths and weaknesses. I also explored the challenges of reflective practice and the available models. Before reading Stuart Hall's book Representation, I was curious about how reflective practice can be applied to other areas of life.

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Cite this webpage as: Gaurav Singh. Journal. The Personal Website of Gaurav Singh. Last modified 2023-10-29.

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