Gaurav Singh

Year in Review

2010 — Book swapping


Looking back on 2010, it feels like another year of growth. Moving from my second to third year in engineering was a step up. It was like moving from a calm walk to a fast run. The subjects were tougher, there were more projects, and it felt like deadlines were always around the corner. Every morning, when my alarm rang, it was a reminder of the busy day ahead. Some classes were really fun and got me thinking, like solving interesting puzzles. But others were a bit hard and needed a lot of work. After classes, I loved working on my own projects. It was amazing to see my code turn into real apps that worked.

But my days weren't just about studying. In the evenings, I mostly played volleyball or football with friends. These games were a fun way to relax and forget about school for a bit. This year, I got even closer to a set of my friends. We spent a lot of time studying together, but we also tried to start our own startup to facilitate students to swap textbooks. Starting it was not hard, but we did ran into problems. I remember one time when we tried to get older students to use our website. We showed them good reviews and even let them try it out. It was a big lesson in working as a team and solving problems.

As 2010 is ending, I found myself reflecting on my approach to the future. Despite the passage of another year, my planning style remained largely unchanged. I continued to navigate life day-by-day, with only a few short-term plans on the horizon, a slight deviation from my aspirations at the end of 2009. One revelation this year was recognizing my innate ability to think logically and with clarity, especially when grappling with complex systems. This clarity, however, seemed elusive when pondering my own long-term aspirations. Another challenge was the absence of like-minded individuals around me. I've come to realize that building a successful future is two-fold: understanding my own capabilities and finding the right team to complement them. While I recognize my personal limits, I also see the potential of amplifying my impact with a synergistic team. As I move forward, these insights will be invaluable, guiding me as I assemble a team that shares my vision and goals.

Cite this webpage as: Gaurav Singh. 2010 — Book swapping. The Personal Website of Gaurav Singh. Last modified 2010-12-31.

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